Hepatitis Panel Screening
Hepatitis Panel Screening
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be contracted through unprotected sex, using contaminated needles, or other causes. There are several types of hepatitis each caused by a different hepatitis virus.
- Hepatitis A can be caused by consuming contaminated water or food.
- Hepatitis B can be contracted through sharing contaminated needles, having unprotected sex, or being exposed to infected blood from another person.
- Hepatitis C can be spread by blood from contaminated needles during drug use or tattooing as well as by having unprotected sex.
These tests are usually ordered when someone has symptoms of hepatitis:
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Joint Pain
- Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain
- Jaundice
- Dark-colored urine or pale stool
- Itching and skin irritation
Hepatitis testing can also be done when someone is concerned they have recently had an exposure even if they are not currently experiencing symptoms.
Hepatitis A is typically spread through exposure to fecal matter or contaminated water or food.
Hepatitis B is spread through infected blood or bodily fluids, usually through sexual contact.
Hepatitis C is typically spread through contaminated blood by sharing needles for intravenous drug use, using an improperly sterilized tattoo or piercing equipment, and sexual contact.
Turnaround time is typically 1 business day.